Wohnmobilstellplätze 1.2
Diese APP nutzt die beliebteWohnmobilstellplatz-Datenbank von GPS wird Ihre aktuelle Position ermittelt. Dann wird Ihnen ineinem Browserfenster eine Liste aller Wohnmobilstellplätze in IhrerNähe (30km Umkreis) angezeigt.Nicht mehr und nicht weniger - einfach und nützlich.Info:Die APP benötigt zur Anzeige der Plätze eineInternetverbindung.Es können dadurch zusätzliche Kosten für die Datenübertragungentstehen.Für den Aufbau und Inhalt der angezeigten Stellplatz-Webseite istder Betreiber der Site verantwortlich.This app uses the popularRV park database of current position is determined by GPS. Then a list of all theRV parks in your area (30km radius) will be displayed in a browserwindow.No more and no less - simple and useful.Info:The app needs to display the spaces an Internet connection.There may be additional costs for data transfer thereby.For the structure and content of the displayed pitch-website of theoperator of the Site is responsible.
IOSInfo für IOS2000 DIALOG WWS 1.3
IOSInfo zeigt den Anwendern der MARKUS SOFTWarenwirtschaft IOS2000 und DIALOG KFZ Teileversion auf einen Blickdie wichtigsten Kennzahlen :UmsatzNeue Auftragsbestätigungen und LieferscheineKassenumsatz und -BestandLagerwertErforderlich ist ein externer Zugang zur IOS2000 / DIALOGWarenwirtschaft.IOSInfo shows the usersof MARKUS SOFT ERP IOS2000 and DIALOG car parts version at a glancethe key figures:TurnoverNew order confirmations and delivery notesPOS sales and inventoryValue of stockRequired is an external access to IOS2000 / DIALOG commodityeconomy.
mapmypos - show where you are! 1.8
mapmypos is a simple widget to your familyandfriends your current position.You don't need any account! Aboslutely anonymous!No more and no less.mapmypos+ Shows quickly and easily by calling an individual URLthecurrent Positon+ Is independent of third-party websites or other services+ No registration, completely anonymous+ update interval is adjustable+ Sends only the anonymous Key, the coordinates of the positionandspeed, not more+ Is quick and easy to install and use+ Takes very little resources, traffic about 120 kb /day(Internet-Flatrate is recommended)+++ Is free and ad-free (in the app)!mapmypos can not- Track or manage paths, only the last position is displayed- Save any additional data except the last coordinates byananonymous identifier- Permit any evaluation or analysis of the data by us orthirdparties- Can be inferred from the display URL in any way to the user- expanded to more functionsIf you need more than the basic function of mapmypos, pleaseuseone of the many other apps who do this.mapmypos is simple, effective and anonymous!With the installation mapmypos generates from someuniqueinformation of your device (like SIM card number, devicenumber,device type) a unique key, which is not readable. The keycannot bedecompiled to any usable information. This key is uset inthe URLto detect your device and to display your position.Only who knows this very long cryptical URL can seeyourposition!Instructions:Install the mapmypos app on your Android device.Add the mapmypos widget to your home screen and start GPS ifnotalready running.Operation:Click once on the widgets icon to start or stop theposionupdate.Icon color shows the state:red = app is stoppedyellow = initializing, position updategreen = idle, app is workingWith a click on the icon you see the map page with yourpositionand functions to send the URL to any email address and tochangethe update interval.With the android menu button you can enable or disablepositionupdating.Have fun!